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An observation that makes one shudder…. This is the urgency.


Our society in USA and also in other countries, has led us to be dependent rather than free people. First, let’s look at our lives. Most of the time the actions we take are the same every day. Apart from the obligatory actions (shopping, housekeeping, eating etc.).
Do you watch TV vision? How much time do you spend on your cell phone? Of course it is an integral part of our lives. Do you listen to the radio? What kind of programs and music do you listen to? What do you play? (Play station, internet games). By the way, did you know that all these devices counteract and distort the nature of the imagination, they weaken the quality and speed of our brain functioning.
In order to get your attention, you need to know that your children are vulnerable and becoming more and more dependent, we think we are doing the right thing by letting them have fun, but in reality it is the opposite. This is the reason why our brain is transformed into an obedient robot.  In this spirit, are you like an automaton ?
Are you living a frustrated and tense life, an artificial life.
Do you feel directed? What do you eat? What do you drink? Are you hungry and thirsty for unnatural substances (coke? Mc Do? ready meals? etc…).
How do you treat yourself? Do you take any medication? Do you smoke? Are you really happy to go to work? (subway, work, sleep). What is the atmosphere? etc… Finally, the list is long and I will not write all the details. In the end, for all these reasons, without realizing it, we are hypnotized.

The quality of life as a whole is lost in this context. This is the mental pollution that we live every day, it is the source of all our misfortunes. Free yourself from mental slavery, it is a system that has no future, a system based on the fear of living….




Before birth, we go through an aquatic phase, “we bathe in the amniotic fluid.

At three days of life, this little body is 94% water, at each age we lose a quantity of water, the infant is at 75% and in the adult it represents only 65%. From head to toe, we are made of water, our blood contains 83%, our muscles 76%, our skin 72%, our heart 79%, our lungs 79%, our bones (skeleton) 22%, our liver 68%, our kidneys 83%, our spleen 76%, our intestines 75%, our adipose tissues 10% and our brain is mainly composed of 75% of water. 

Our brain cells need to be well hydrated. In case of dehydration, our brain cells deprived of the necessary amount of water for their proper functioning will create a lack of concentration, loss of memory, feelings of fatigue, bloating, digestive problems….