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    How to Change Your Thinking in No Time to Create a Whole New Life ?

Live in Full Light: Take Control of Your Life Now

The urgency of the current situation demands that we awaken from our slumber and finally take control of our lives.    It is no longer enough to be passive spectators; we must become the authors of our own destiny. The time for complacency is over. The time to act is now. Let’s forge a better future together for ourselves and for future generations.

We have within us the ability to shape our future, to create a better world. I know this is not an easy time for many. Take care of your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions, as they all have consequences. Be constantly vigilant. Thoughts are the most treacherous because they are swift and arise without us even thinking about them. Be mindful of what you vibrate, as vibration produces thoughts.

Joy is an elevation of the vibrational frequency; sadness, fear, and anger are low vibrations. So, vibrate high, always vibrate high. By doing this, you won’t even have to worry about bad thoughts, as they will be automatically canceled. We are light. You are light. I am light.

Whatever thoughts or beliefs you have, make sure they come from your own reflection, your internal dialogue, and your own research and analysis. Dissolving limiting beliefs gives everyone control over their life. You will learn more in this ebook “New Thinking”.

Click “Add to Cart” below to get your copy. Then, I will send you a free questionnaire titled “What Is Your Current Status ?” I will personally respond, and if you wish, a personalized coaching session can be arranged.

Transform your life today. Have a great life!

Click “Add to Cart” then “View Cart” to get your copy of “New Thinking.”

E-Book “New Thought”


You need to Change your way of Thinking to become Free


What would you think of a life in peace for yourself, where there is Joy, Abundance, Love, excellent Health, as well as a safe free world, full of Respect, but also of Moral Wealth, then a world where nobody manipulates anybody.          Do you think this is possible?

You need to Change your way of Thinking to become Free

6 reviews for The E-Book “New Thought”

  1. Coralie

    Thank you very much for a work full of aspiration

  2. Steeve

    Thank you I will never feel guilt again, necessary to free us

  3. Myriam

    Very satisfying and rewarding, no more manipulation, no need to be influenced

  4. Robert

    I hope the ebook will be as interesting as the overview you show…

  5. Tina

    After reading this ebook, one realizes that we are all a little mental slave to something. Very inspiring. Good work

  6. Noah

    ”I think this ebook will be very interesting… I’ll give you my opinion after reading it.”

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.



  • About
  • The current situatio
  • Free yourself from mental slavery
  • The Water
  • The Egregores
  • A little History on the development of consciousness
  • Our brain
  • How are we manipulated ?
  • The definition and understanding of consciousness
  • Nature and spirituality
  • So,Who are we ?
  • The New Earth


    Extract from the title “How are we manipulated ?

    Until now, all governments, all religions have tried to deprive the    human beings of his naturalness, his self-confidence, his creativity, his happiness, his pride, his courage and his honesty.

    But look!

    So many men in power who refuse to allow us to rise, deprived of our freedom…..

    “You have abondoned your soul, your conscience and your spirit to the dark forces that direct your lives and tell you how you should live and behave. Your soul is enslaved by the outside, you have given up your mastery, the outside thinks for you”…


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