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Water is the essential element for life.

It is essential to drink pure water, it is the only essential drink for the body. Sugar-based drinks, concentrated juices, carbonated water, coffee, tea and alcohol are not suitable for the body. Our most water-rich foods are fruits and vegetables. Drinking pure water has become a particularly rare benefit.

All the water we consume is so polluted, tap water, mineral water stored in plastic bottles…

As for our nature, pesticides and other components have polluted the water table; industrial waste (heavy metals, petroleum derivatives, mercury, lead, chlorine, arsenic, etc.) and agricultural waste (nitrates, among others), as well as that of our hospitals, the consumption of drugs (including antibiotics and other neuroleptics), which are discharged into the sewer system via our urine.

Did you know that to produce 1kg of beef it takes 13000 liters of water.

Water is precious, we should not waste it or pollute it by any means. There are so many countries where there is not enough water….