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Before birth, we go through an aquatic phase, “we bathe in the amniotic fluid.

At three days of life, this little body is 94% water, at each age we lose a quantity of water, the infant is at 75% and in the adult it represents only 65%. From head to toe, we are made of water, our blood contains 83%, our muscles 76%, our skin 72%, our heart 79%, our lungs 79%, our bones (skeleton) 22%, our liver 68%, our kidneys 83%, our spleen 76%, our intestines 75%, our adipose tissues 10% and our brain is mainly composed of 75% of water. 

Our brain cells need to be well hydrated. In case of dehydration, our brain cells deprived of the necessary amount of water for their proper functioning will create a lack of concentration, loss of memory, feelings of fatigue, bloating, digestive problems….